
MEDIA MANIPULATE.2 :: my definition

The reason I chosen this rhyme is because ‘Wash on Monday’ is suggests the routine for housewives a long time ago. However, some of children still have been taught this rhyme when their mother or grandmother is trying to teach them to do housework. It is interesting, so I will try to retranslate the idea of routine to say that sometimes our behavior is due to the information we received from the mass medias. Additionally, I changed some housework to make it more contemporary. I added the words “Hoover”, “Clean” and “Rest” to replace “Iron”, “Mend” and “Meeting”.

After I changed this rhyme, I defined the meaning for my image, the definitions are as follows:

After those took place all the actions as a routing come back to the Monday again and again. In a positive way, it can be translated that we are learning new information or knowledge from media in the next step. On the other hand, it shows the media using another new way to convey the messages that they want us to believe.

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