
R♥BBISH.1 :: inspiration


When doing my research for this briefing, I have come across and was inspired by the work of one particular design company – H project H design. This company aims to produce the product initiatives for humanity, habitats, health and happiness. They connect the power of design to people who need it the most, and place where it can make a real and lasting difference. Personally, I think the most inspiring designs of this company are its “Hippo roller” and “Learning Landscape” projects.

Hippo Roller project was designed in 2008. In this project, 75 Hippo Rollers were designed and created specially for a community in South Africa. The purpose of the project was to help people in developing country to transport water safely and efficiently. In South Africa, water must be fetched multiple times throughout the day.
The traditional methods (garrisons and buckets) could only hold about 5-8 gallons of water each time. The Hippo Roller’s volume and ease of use allow households to spend less time fetching water, and more time going to school, running their business, and spend time with their families.


The other project is called “Learning Landscape”. Learning Landscape is made by tire. It is a scalable, grid-based playground system for elementary math education. The spatial grid is used to combine active movement and competition with mathematic curricula, providing an outdoor classroom framework for fun and engaged learning.

Those projects are designed with simple materials that we can be found everywhere, but provide new functions to those old materials and help the users to improve their way of living somehow. I thought it would be quite interesting if we could get together various designers with different skills in our community and try to redesign or turn some useless household objects into something useful.

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