
EMOTIONAL TYPOGRAPHY.1 :: words associated with emotions

People in different moods sense different feelings. In the beginning I asked people of different ages, locations and occupations to randomly write down their different feelings of certain words and emotions. The words of the data collected were interesting but hard to read. (Fig1)

Fig1 The colour of the text will change based on the amount the word is chosen in questionnaire.
The more the word is chosen by interviewees, the darker the text will be.

Then I reevaluated the purpose of this project, which was to investigate the meanings of the words and the difference between the males and females.
Therefore, I used 50 questionnaires to gather the information and targeted 25 males and 25 females in the age group 20 to 40 to complete the questionnaire. (Fig 2) It indeed presented the information I asked for.

Fig 3 The information presented in the table was collected from my questionnaire.

Analyzing the questionnaire above shows that men and women reacted differently from the words presented. (Fig 3) Take for example, when the word “anger” was presented, most men instantly relate the word to "annoyed", whereas, women relate the word to “emotional”.
However, men and women sometimes share the same views towards certain words. For instance, most men and women in my research agree that the word “anger” reminded them of the word “hot”.

Fig 2 Using the questionnaire to find out what 'adjectives' could be used for my design.

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